Thursday, September 9, 2010

Well Brad and Nehemiah, It's a good lesson.

   So at church Wednesday night, the lesson was from Nehemiah.  It was about how Nehemiah helped the Israelites rebuild the wall around Jerusalem.  Brad (my youth pastor) made the point about how when Nehemiah had a problem, he took it to God and left. it. there.  Well, as I stated in my last post just earlier tonight, I was really upset about some stuff, mostly having to do with a friend.  Well, also as my previous update stated, I finally was able tonight to do just that.  I left it with God and decided I was going to continue with my life and just trust Him to work it all out.  Within two hours, I got a text from my friend (who lives next door) saying that she was "embarrassed to ask this, but ur the only person i hvnt asked, can i use one of ur bakpaks?  im rlly srry...."  We'd texted some today, so she knew that I wasn't mad at her.  I of course promptly emptied out my extra backpack and scurried over there to give it to her.  What ensued was a 20 minute conversation through her open window that resulted in my being able to explain the entire situation (which had happened nearly two weeks ago) and her understanding.  Now everything is fine.  Really just a lesson in trust and obedience in my book.  So, all of you that were there Wednesday night (and those of you who weren't) and were thinking "But that never works!":  It works.

Well, It's been one of those days....

   I just got some stuff goin' on, and it's really getting me down.  I have a friend that I'm afraid I might have lost.  She was angry at someone else, somehow through some different twists, I've been lumped together with that person.  And there was a HUGE misunderstanding about the entire situation.  I keep waiting for her to come around, but I'm not sure if she ever will.  I'm doing everything I can, but I'm just at a loss now. 
   It's looking like there might be reconciliation at some point in time.  Maybe.  But I'm really not at all sure.  I just wish I knew what to do.  Why can't God just come down and give me a message saying "Do the below steps in sequential order, and ALL WILL BE RESOLVED"???
  But there's a difference this time around.  Usually this would send me spiraling, seeing as she's my only actual friend in the world that I actually ever get to see.  But this time, I'm not going to let it eat me alive.  It's definitely getting me down, but it's not gonna take me out!  I'm giving it to God.  He knows how to fix this, and as long as I do my best to do what I know to be right, I know I'll get through this. It's just going to take some time and support.