Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Imagine Having Your Dad Do This....

     So, I was looking at Yahoo News today and I found the story of a Utah dad who thought it would be cool to wave at this son (a sophomore in high school) every morning when he boarded the bus.  As if this wasn't bad enough, he opted to dress up as different character every single morning. Now, think about this for a second; every morning you have to worry about getting up, getting ready, getting on the bus, hoping all your homework is done (because really, how many of us actually remember or have time to check in the morning?), and THEN you have to be concerned about whether your dad will be standing outside your house waving at your friends, dressed as bride or mermaid.
     When first reading this, I thought, "Wow.  Now THAT'S some revenge for all those nights he stayed up with you crying through the night....'' And I still see it this way. But then I thought, "Dude, that would be frikkin' awesome!"  Yeah, it would be weird at first, but come on! Once everyone caught on, you and your friends would start seriously looking forward to what he'd do every morning.  I could have an entire blog about it. And it would probably be way more popular than this one......hmmmm.......
     Actually, that's exactly what they did!  This guy's wife took a picture every day and posted it on their blog Wave At The Bus.  All the pictures are up there; check it out! The coolest thing is that they only spent $50 on their endeavor over the entire year! They begged, borrowed, and stole improvised more than 180 costumes for the same amount of money that I spent on a single costume for a birthday party. (Ok, it happened once, I'd probably never do it again. But she was my best friend and it was her Sweet Sixteen....It had to be perfect....) Anywho, I think it's awesome. So, check out the pictures, have a laugh, and let them know how hilariously awesome this is!
     P.S. I've already been thinking about having some sort of daily thing to post, and this is just giving me good evidence that people enjoy such things.....hmmm......