Tuesday, May 31, 2011

♪♫No Time Left for You♪♫

    Wow, okay, you're a jerk.
    Well, I just have better things to do than sit and tell you about my better things to do.
     I gotta go, so amuse yourselves elsewhere. *waves hand in dismissal*
     By the way, we think it's really pathetic that you're using this imaginary conversation to prolong your post.
     *Does not care*

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I've Created a Monster.....

     My Facebook status currently reads:
     Alright, I'm super board and I need something to do. So, I want ideas for a blog post. Write a title here, and I'll take the first five, write them down, mix them up, and draw one. I'll then write an entire blog post on it and post the link so you can see it. Keep it PG and have fun! :)

     The result of the drawing: Free Space on Bingo- Contributing to the Laziness of Young Adults courtesy Megan "The Jerk" Trantham (She decided to add ALL the suggestions and make them ridiculously inconducive to easy writing).  So, here it is - my first Post Title Challenge:

     Free Space on Bingo: Contributing to the Laziness of Young Adults
     You've all seen it.  That little square in the middle of the Bingo board that reads "Free Space."  "I am your friend!" it's tiny voice cries, "I am the key to success!"  But is this little space your savior in the game, or is it something more nefarious?
     Young people today are constantly searching for ever-increasingly easier ways to complete tasks - tasks that are already far too easy to be reasonably justified. Bingo itself is hardly suitable for adolescents and young adults.  Young, virulent individuals should, ideally, be out providing for the weak and infirm, not dilly-dallying with piddly board games.  But, as this point seems moot in light of the deterioration of our foolhardy society, I shall leave it be for the time being. 
     The topic at hand is, when playing this mind numbing game, should you use the free space?  I say "No! A resounding no!"  And here is why:  it is a scientific fact that this insidious little tile, innocent though it may appear, is one of the largest contributing factors to the destruction of the Work Ethic in America and other Westernized countries.  In a recent study conducted by the nationally acclaimed G.E.N.I.U.S. Society,* it was discovered individuals between the ages of 13-35 who habitually employed the Free Space square when playing Bingo were 51% more likely to live with their parents after high school/college, 35% more likely to never attend college, 43% more likely to be obese, 76% more likely to drive a fuel-ineffecient vehicle, 94% more likely to hold a minimum wage job, 89% more likely to be on welfare, and 27.53% more likely to commit suicide than their peers who chose to play the game honorably.
     To me, this is certainly sufficient evidence to support the banning of this abhorrent abomination.  But I cannot rid our great race of this perverse scourge without your help.  We must band together to abolish this plague; petition your senators to pass Senate Bill F920.  Say "NAY!" to Proposition K!

*General Enfranchisement of Nerds In the United States Society 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

May Showers Delay May Flowers

     So, after weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks and - well, I finally got my flowerbed planted.  That's about it.
     I know, I'm sorry......
     WHATEVER. You lied to us.
     Well, I'm sorry. There's just nothing interesting about which to write.
     Whatever. You're boring and we don't want to hear about your mundane little life anyway.
     That's just as well, as I wouldn't tell you anything even IF there were something interesting to tell. 

Friday, May 27, 2011

This Device Seems the Height of Futility

     So, apparently Blogger now has a tip jar.
     Blogger has now added a gadget that allows people give you tips. That's right, folks, you can now give me money any time you want to by simply clicking a button. Now, I sincerely doubt anyone is ever going to actually make any money off of this, myself included. Therefore, I have resolved not to add this gadget to my blog.  However, I live to serve, so if public outcry becomes great enough, I will sacrifice this resolution and add this option to my blog.
     That's all she wrote.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Blow Pops

     I did something a little unusual today; I ate a Blow Pop.  Ya' know, the lollipops with the bubble gum inside? Yep, I ate a big cherry flavored Blow Pop today.
       I know, "Who cares?" Right?  Well, I thought it would be a good way to start off my summer of reinvention.
     "You're not making any sense, Courtlyn."
     Well, here's the thing: I'm a very insecure, self-conscious person.  That's a BIG thing that I'm going to be working on this summer. So, first of all, I've always had problems doing anything I deemed "childish," even things that I think are very positive and potentially enjoyable. Suckers of all sorts have always fallen into this category. Secondly, as we all know, Blow Pops (and other suckers) have a tendency to turn one's mouth a very vibrant, unnatural color. This, to me, was always entirely unacceptable, even if no one would see because I wasn't going anywhere on a particular day.  Even if no one else would see it, I still felt embarrassed or somehow inferior or something of the sort if my mouth were an odd color.
     But, now, my entire mouth is a very vibrant shade of pinky-red and the best part is that I'm okay with that.  And, I'm not gonna lie, I almost liked the sucker :P
     So, that's my day in a nutshell.
     "You've explained yourself, and we kinda get what you're saying.  But we still think you're really weird.  Mostly because you're faking a conversation with a group of androgynous, indeterminate entities that you like to think read your blog."
     Hey, that's your loss, Imaginary Audience.
     I'll try not to post anymore today, as this will be my third post. But no promises. XP

P.S. I'm experimenting with various new layouts and will soon choose one. Be patient until then and feel free to offer feedback :)

Due To Neurological Difficulties, The Imaginative Title To This Post Has Been Deleted.

     So, I need ideas. I know I'm going to be posting about the stuff I'm working through this summer and there'll definitely be posts about the mission trip next month and whatever else comes up. But I need some ideas on some things to do. I've obviously got a lot of time on my hands and I'd love to spend some or it blogging! So, what do you guys want to see?  A regular feature? A certain format? Specific updates? Anything! I'd love to have some sort of regular feature, but I have no idea what you guys would like to see! I could start a series of posts on something; I don't know,  Just give me your thoughts! :)

♪♫Everything Gets Hotter When the Sun Goes Down♪♫

    *Ahem* *Regains composure*
     So, I'm finally out of school. And this is good. Because I'm ready to be out of school.
     Like I've said, this summer is going to be a summer of self-rediscovery, and now it can finally begin! I'm going to (hopefully) be posting a lot more here, so ya'll can avoid this page like the plague look forward to that :)
     I'd also like to say to all of you people from various classes and especially Drama: IMMA MISS YA'LL!!
     Talk to ya later! :) *goes to read outside* *sees mud and rain* *changes mind*

     P.S. It should stop raining. Now.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Everyboy Talks About the Weather, But No One Does Anything About It

-Charles Dudley Warner

     Well, ya can't really do much about the weather itself.  But many of us can do things to help those affected by it. Most of you have probably heard about what happened last night in Joplin. Last I heard, there were 119 people who lost their lives in the tornado that ripped through the town Sunday evening. I personally know three people who lost family in this storm.  It's horrible.  My aunt (an Ozark Police officer) has spent the entire day since midnight last night down there looking for people and trying to minimize the chaos that's bound to ensue after this. It's a terrible, terrible occurrence that will have long-reaching effects on those people and many others.
     I really can't very well tell anyone what to do. I know that. But I do ask that everyone think about what they can do to help the victims of this tragedy.  Just today, my school had an assembly which had nothing to do with the storms.  At the end, the StuCo president asked that if anyone had some spare change, they would drop it into buckets at the gym doors on the way to class. We collected a little more than $400, and that was just changed that kids had on them.  They also asked that we bring basic supplies - especially water and baby supplies - to school to donate for the recovery efforts.  My aunt says they all really need socks, water (they're on a boil order right now), packaged food that doesn't require cooking (all their homes are gone, so there's not very many appliances), clothes, new underwear, and lots of baby supplies and basic hygiene items.  Most Red Cross stuff is going to them right now, so that would be a great way to donate. I'd like to ask everyone to think about what you can do to help.  Not all of us can do down and physically clean up the debris, but we can all help in some way.  Imagine if it were you who lost your home or couldn't feed and clothe your children. Wouldn't you want someone to give up something so your kid could have clean socks or your baby would have clean diapers?
     If any of you would like to know how to help, I can get more information for you.  I hope you'll all think of something you can do!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Meanwhile, In Mediocreville........

    I've done nothing with this weekend, thus far.  I have started cleaning my room some, which is long overdue, but other than that, I've just had a lot of time to think.  Which could be good or bad, depending where I go from here. Honestly, I'm a little bit at a loss right now and still need to talk some stuff out with someone, but it seems like everyone (including myself, to an extent) is pretty busy. So I'm just mentally exhausted right now. But I'll figure it out.
     And I'm uber ready for church tomorrow. That's about it.
     C'est la Vie

Thursday, May 19, 2011

♪♫Well, Life is a Road and I Wanna Keep Goin'♪♫

     Well, nothing new is happening, so I haven't had much time or material to post.  I won't repeat all the thoughts I've already addressed here; that would seem the height of superfluity, even for me (Superfluosness? Superfluosity? Superfluidity? Ahhh, Superfluidityyyy *nods satisfactorily*).  Anyway, I'm watching The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Again. I know; I have no life. (Prime Merlinian? Really?!) Anywho. Yeah, so that's about it; I'm in survival mode until school's out (One more week! *squeal of ill-contained exuberance*).
TTFN: TaTa For Now! *Bounces away*

P.S. Boys are dumb. The wrong one always likes you. It's. Dumb. KK, I'm done.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

♪♫You Can Laugh, But I'm Dead Serious♪♫

♪♫Watch her as she goes,
      There's something different and she knows it.
      Ask her why, and she'll flash that silly smile.
      She says she's got a purpose
      And she's done with all the games;
      Jesus saved her soul and she'll never be the same♪♫
     So, I've been thinking a great deal lately about a lot of different things. Mostly though, I've been thinking about some changes I'm going to be making over this summer (as I will have a good deal of down time) and the mission trip next month. 
     I've unofficially dedicated this coming summer to getting myself back on track. getting my life on track for the first time ever, now that I have a chance to do so.  It's going to take a lot of work, and a lot of changes are simply going to have to be radical, drastic, and sudden.  I'm trying to start deciding what those might be, but honestly, I really wish I could just sit down with someone and just process it all verbally in a completely honest and open fashion.  So that's a lot to contemplate.
     Also, I'm really thinking about the mission trip of which I'll be a part.  As I understand it - and I don't have a lot of details because I haven't had time to worry about them - we'll be in East St. Louis assisting in a center that essentially has a lot after-school type programs (although it's in the summer, so it's obviously not "after school") for inner city kids.  These are the kind of kids that have truly been through hell and back.  They've been through just about every imaginable atrocity and they live in poverty and abuse every day.  In many ways, I can empathize a lot with their problems; I grew up in a highly abusive home and have a lot of emotional baggage from it.  What I've been through could never begin to compare with the experiences of these kids, but I do believe it helps me to understand their psyche a great deal.  Their pain, for the most part, differs from mine in intensity rather than kind.
     These kids, people who have not been given the chances the rest of us have, people that have known nothing but pain and abuse - they are my passion.  They're the reason I want to be an attorney; it's not for the money or the excitement or anything of that sort: it's for the people without a voice, the ones who can't help themselves.  These are the people about whom I care the deepest.  They're the ones that I truly think that my experiences can help.  I think that through my pain, I have great sympathy, empathy, and understanding for people who have been through abuse and neglect. I think that they are the biggest reason that God allowed me to go through what I did. So I'm dead serious about this trip.
     I might have another post on this topic coming up; I'm not sure yet.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

♪♫It's Your Life, Whatcha Gonna Do?♪♫

     ♪♫The world is watchin' you.
           Every day the choices you make
           Say who you are and who
           Your heart beats for.
            It's an open door;
            It's your life.♪♫
     So, I'm still completely uninspired. Utterly. Completely. So don't get your hopes up about reading something really profound right about now.
     Essentially, this weekend has been about homework and making it through the last couple weeks of school.  I've expended more creativity and thought this weekend than customarily do in an entire week of school. I. Am. Tired. Of. Thinking. Thus, this wretched post.
     Today, we went to church and Sunday school was, per usual, good.  Then there was lunch with my grandparents and aunt, and I shopped for some makeup at a sale.
     Tonight, I had class and there's where I started thinking.  The class was the second class at church for those of us going on the mission trip next month.  Really, I've just been thinking about it a lot anyway, but I started thinking more about tonight during class and what it means to be a servant leader and just how I should live day to day.
     We were presented tonight with various scenarios that we might encounter on the mission trip.  I answered some questions exactly as I believe the situation should have been handled.  Characteristically, I was forthright, saying, for example, that in a given situation we should "get a glass of water, paint smile on your face, and suck it up! We all signed up for this, after all!"  Then I started thinking: shouldn't we be doing that normally? I mean, I "signed up," so to speak, for the life of a Christian.  That means I should be that kind of servant leader all the time. We should be "on a mission trip" every day.  After all, the point of a mission trip is spread the Gospel. Shouldn't we be spreading the Gospel to those around us every day?  I think so.  As Christians, we have to be willing to show God's love everyday.  We have to be careful of how we represent God; we might be the only Jesus that a person ever sees.
     Anyway, that's what I've been thinking.
     Also, I've been thinking about a lot of things in my personal life.  I'm starting to think that this summer is going to be a summer of self-rediscover and reinventing.  I'm thinking a lot about who I am and how I've become and who I should be.  I really want to finally start getting my life in order, and I figure I better start soon. Thing is, I need people that are going to help me with that; I can't do it on my own. I know; I've tried. So, assuming I can find some people that will truly help me and lead me and guide me and stick with me through all the crap that's gonna go down during this journey, that's what I'll be doing this summer.
     And, I'll be sleeping a lot and going on a missions trip.
     And drinking a lot of coffee.
     And blogging.
     That's about it.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

♪♫You Have Given Me the Pleasure of an Ordinary Day♪♫

   Well, there's not much going on in my world. My prolonged blogosphere silence has not been entirely my fault however; Blogger was under maintenance for a while, so I couldn't post. And I've been busy and uninspired this week :P
     I went to Ozark High's graduation last night and it was great, but sad as well, as I knew so many of the graduating seniors. But hey, growing up and branching out and moving on are all natural parts of life and I embrace them.
      Now, I'm working on homework and attempting to enjoy old TV shows. And by old, I mean.....ollllldddddd.........XP Anyway, I'll try to write something a little more inspired either today or tomorrow, but not at this moment in time. Suffice it to say that I'm kinda stressed right now and am letting everything not necessary to physical survival and GPA take a back burning right now :P
C'est la Vie

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

♪♫Red as the Bloodshed, Blue as the Wounded, White as the Crosses on Our Soldiers' Graves;

Through the rain, through the sun, these colors never run.♪♫
     Well, not much has really been happening with me over the last few days. The only thing note-worthy, really, is a project in which the high school's social studies department is participating, due to my teacher, who has a tendency to start things like this. It's called "Shoeboxes for Soldiers" and is actually a localized branch of the national organization of the same sort.  Shoe boxes or an equivalent are filled with supplies, food, puzzle books, etc. and sent to soldiers overseas. Each box is addressed to an individual soldier, not a company or other intermediary.  A local radio station in the area, KTTS, sponsors two drives every year - one at Christmastime and one around the Fourth of July, which is the one that is going on right now.  It costs about thirteen dollars in postage to send a box, and my teacher has agreed to pay for the boxes her classes fill.
     I've always wanted to get involved in this sort of thing, but never have. Now, I'm finally getting a chance to do so, and it's made me start thinking; our military fights every day for our rights and freedoms: shouldn't we be using them? If we don't that invalidates all that they do and thus makes their sacrifice futile. Because of the men and women fighting for our country, we have the freedom to think, feel, say, and be whoever we choose. Shouldn't we be doing more to honor that fight?
     I know I should. I need to take advantage of the fact that, because of these sacrifices of these soldiers, I have every right to live my faith and uphold my values. This is not the case in most countries, and I feel that, should we choose to "roll over and play dead" to every whim of society as a whole, we are nullifying the sacrifices of our military past, present, and future. So, I am going to start walking the walk. If God has blessed us with a nation in which we can be free to live and believe as we see fit, I think He means for us to use it to its full advantage.
     So, that's my brief thoughts on the subject. Also, I obviously think that we should be honoring those that serve our country and put their lives on the line for us every day. And this project is just a tiny way in which I can do just that.
     That's about it, so I'll talk to ya'll later! :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

   As most of you know, I've gone through a lot o changes in the past year.  One of those changes is that, for reasons not pertinent to this discussion, I now need make no pretense of observing Mother's Day.  This also means hat I am now free to observe in a fashion that suits me.  And this is that fashion.
   Over the course of my short but eventful life, I have come across many people of many different beliefs, backgrounds, and temperaments. Among these people, there have been difficult, vindictive individuals judgmental exclusivists, and sacrinely loving givers.  A personage that has been severely lacking, however, is that of a loving, caring mother.  Because of this unfortunate void, Mother's Day , in the past, has meant but little to me; it was a mere formality with which I grudgingly complied. 
   This year, as this holiday approached, I began contemplating the prospect of making this holiday mean something for the first time in my life.  This idea sparked as exploration of the meaning of the word "mother."
   It seems that the word "mother" can be defined in three distinct ways; the first is simply the biological maternal parent of an individual.  The second is the legal female guardian of an individual (this definition is, really, questionable at best; I threw it in for the argumentative types like myself).  The third definition, however, is vastly different; it is, I believe, the definition most proper in regards to Mother's Day.
   A mother is a woman who loves you unconditionally. She is a person that has helped, in some way, to raise you and make you the person you are today.  She is a woman that pulled you through difficult times in your life and hast stuck with you through good times and bad.  A mother hast taught you lessons that have become vial to you and your outlook on life, and she has bee willing to tell you when you were wrong and needed to change.  A woman who has done these things is someone that certainly, in my book, deserves recognition on this day.
   These sort of women are the women I wish to recognize.  Some have simply pulled me through a difficult time in my life or taught me a few important lessons; others have made sure that I never got "too big for my boots;" others have been with me through thick and thin, never backing down from the truth and never letting me give up.  Many of these women are still an active and vitally important part of my life.  Without these women, I don't know where I would be today.  Each and every one of them have shaped me into the person I am today.  Though I live to be thousand years old, I will remember these women and the things they have done for me. They have taught me about love and loss, pain and perseverance, and faith and fortitude.  They are my reason for celebrating Mother's Day.  At some point, they have all been a kind of mother to me.
   Am I going to recognize the same people over and over again every year? Maybe; but probably not. Obviously, I won't know exactly what I'll do next year until next year rolls around.  But I'm thinking I'll probably recognize women who have been important to me over the past year.
   But that's for me to know (eventually) and you to find out :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Most Heartfelt Apologies....

  But for the past two days, I have been completely and utterly uninspired. Alas, it happens to the best of us :P  Anyway, I will post again, but it will probably  be this weekend.
   "Till then, think of the world."
   Or whatever you usually do.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

♪♫And it's Two A.M. and I'm Cursin' Your Name♪♫

   Ok so it's not two a.m. It's more like 6:30 p.m.  But I'm totally cursing He-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named and his abhorrent surface area project. *Wonders why she even has to take Geometry to be an attorney*
    Well, anyway, I don't really have time to post much. Just rest assured that I am still writing, but it's not for today's post.
    Hope you all have a better night than I'll have :P
    *Tries to convince herself to begin the monumental task of using an archaic and confusing program to create an extensive power  point*

Monday, May 2, 2011

♪♫Ding Dong, The Witch is Dead♪♫

     Well, as I hope ALL of you know, Osama Bin Laden is finally dead. The world can rest a little easier.
     Now, of course is when we begin hearing about the Islamic communities opposition to the way in which Bin Laden's body was disposed of; some crock about it not being in accordance with their religious beliefs and traditions. To begin, we did, in fact cleanse his body and we gave him a proper sea burial.  We also did it in a timely manner, because Islamic law dictates that a body ideally be buried within 24 hours and, at the very outside, three days. Also, it would have been quite difficult to find a country willing to take his body, especially in such a short time frame. Lastly, sea burials, while generally against Muslim tradition, are allowed under extenuating circumstances.
   These are the purely practical reasons by which this may be justified.  However, I would like to remind the jury that we gave him far more respect than he ever deserved. the 2752 people who were brutally and suddenly slaughtered at the World Trade Center were not afforded the dignity of having their traditions - religious or otherwise - observed and neither were the 190 people in the Pentagon and American Airlines Flight 77 or the 36 people aboard United Flight 93.  They not only had their right to a proper burial stripped from them, but, more importantly, their right to live.
     Besides the fact that Osama Bin Laden was utterly and completely undeserving of a the burial we gave him, think of what he and the rest of the Muslim world would have done, were the roles reversed.  They would have begun with desecrating the body of such an enemy in every imaginable fashion.  Then, the mutilated corpse would have been tied by an ankle to the back of a truck and dragged through the streets of New York City for all to view and desecrate to their hearts' content.  After the nation was satisfied with this sort of treatment, what was left of the carcass would be strung up proudly at Ground Zero and left to rot as a reminder of what would happen to all such future perpetrators. This is the least that could be expected of them, were they in our position.
    We, on the other hand, cleansed his body and gave him a respectful burial at sea.
     I hardly think the Muslim world has a right to complain.
     I am not saying that we should have retaliated in the same fashion that Bin Laden would have; on the contrary, the fact that we handled his body with care and respect is what makes us different from him and others made of the same stuff.  We are cut from a different cloth, and I think this is just one more of myriad examples of this.
     God Bless America, and may we never lose sight of what sets us apart from other nations.

♪♫What do you want from me?♪♫

  OK,OK, IT'S AN ANNOYING SONG. I'M SORRY. That being said, it was more fun to put the little musical notes up there than just write a title. So. Moving on.
   Today, someone suggested that I have some sort of regular feature. I love this idea. A lot. In fact, if this idea was a man, I'd marry it.  There's only one problem: I'm not exactly a creative genius.  In addition, I don't know what you all would want see.  So, I'm asking you guys to give me some ideas.  Just brainstorm and post what you'd like to see on a regular basis. It can be ANYTHING. After all, in the words of Cicero, "Nothing is so unbelievable that oratory cannot make it believable." So, nothing is to weird, far-out, or dumb. So, give me your ideas!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I really want to know....

   Did anyone read the pieces I wrote?  Do you have any comments or suggestions? Is there anything you would like me to do/write about/feature?  I want to know what you guys want to see!  So, let me know if you like what I've been posting, would like to hear more, or would like to seen something new! Thanks :)

"The Secret is Abolutely Refusing to Let the River Get You Down.....

   Once you know the secret, nobody's river can bring you down."
                       -Patty Bergen of Summer of My German Soldier

   Today someone who is going through some rough times asked me if there was anyway that they could ever get out of all this with any good outcome.  I said yes, and I shared a much-abbreviated version of my story.  After I was finished they said, "Hey, you should tell other people about that!"
   I wasn't so sure, but I figured, "Hey, why not?"  So here I am.  Most people that care to know already know the basic facts of my life, more or less. But I suppose there's no harm in posting the short version here. :P So, here it is.
   Well, I grew up in a highly abusive home; my father was an absentee parent, while my mother was involved in a cult and constantly beat me and told me and my sibling that my father and I were going to burn in eternal Hell for all eternity.  She tried to smother me, almost choked me to death, and daily attacked me both physically and emotionally.  In addition, I was home schooled, which meant that I NEVER got away from it, even for a moment.  I also had to feed, clothe, and educate myself and my two younger siblings (I'm the oldest).  It got so bad last spring that I tried to kill myself. Twice.
   Eventually, my dad thought we should start going to church again, and I wanted to as well - mostly to get away from my mother once a week or so.  So we started going to a church near our house.  For the first time in my life, I met people that truly showed me what unconditional love and acceptance was supposed to look and feel like.  Eventually, through many struggles, I was able to reach a point of strength at which I could finally give my father an ultimatum: his children or his wife.  He knew he had to leave her, that we couldn't live like this any longer. So he filed for divorce.
   Even now, almost a year later, we're still dealing with my mother's challenges, but my life is so much better now; I'm sixteen - a sophomore in high school, I was saved last fall, and I know that there are people who truly care about me and will never hurt or betray me.
   Also, I have been able to help a lot of people in recent months because of all the things that I've been through; I understand what others are going through, and I know I don't have to be afraid of what others think of me. I know that I've survived more than most people will ever have to survive; I know I'm strong and I can push through obstacles that once seemed insurmountable. Also, I have a new sympathy and a willingness to help others that I would never have had, had I not been through the struggles that I've been through.  I'm stronger, more loving, more caring, and far more wise than I would have been if I had had an easy childhood.  Everything that I believe in, I believe - not because someone told me to believe it, but because I know that it's true.
   In the middle of it, I never imagined anything good could have come of all the pain and heartache and struggle that I went through. But now, looking back, even though I would never wish what I endured on anyone, I wouldn't give up my experiences for all the world; they made me who I am today; and though I will always struggle with aspects of my past,  in the end, I am better for it.
   All this isn't to say I'm fine now; I still struggle with a lot of problems from my past.  But without that past, I would never have learned some of the amazing lessons I've learned; I wouldn't have the experience and insight that I have now; I wouldn't care about or emphasize with people the way I do, and I certainly would never have met the amazing people with whom I've come into contact.  I never would have developed the faith and strength I have now.  And I believe that I'm a better person because of what I've been through.
   The moral of the story?  Never forget that you're worth fighting for and that if you never give up, then no one can take you out! :)