Monday, May 23, 2011

Everyboy Talks About the Weather, But No One Does Anything About It

-Charles Dudley Warner

     Well, ya can't really do much about the weather itself.  But many of us can do things to help those affected by it. Most of you have probably heard about what happened last night in Joplin. Last I heard, there were 119 people who lost their lives in the tornado that ripped through the town Sunday evening. I personally know three people who lost family in this storm.  It's horrible.  My aunt (an Ozark Police officer) has spent the entire day since midnight last night down there looking for people and trying to minimize the chaos that's bound to ensue after this. It's a terrible, terrible occurrence that will have long-reaching effects on those people and many others.
     I really can't very well tell anyone what to do. I know that. But I do ask that everyone think about what they can do to help the victims of this tragedy.  Just today, my school had an assembly which had nothing to do with the storms.  At the end, the StuCo president asked that if anyone had some spare change, they would drop it into buckets at the gym doors on the way to class. We collected a little more than $400, and that was just changed that kids had on them.  They also asked that we bring basic supplies - especially water and baby supplies - to school to donate for the recovery efforts.  My aunt says they all really need socks, water (they're on a boil order right now), packaged food that doesn't require cooking (all their homes are gone, so there's not very many appliances), clothes, new underwear, and lots of baby supplies and basic hygiene items.  Most Red Cross stuff is going to them right now, so that would be a great way to donate. I'd like to ask everyone to think about what you can do to help.  Not all of us can do down and physically clean up the debris, but we can all help in some way.  Imagine if it were you who lost your home or couldn't feed and clothe your children. Wouldn't you want someone to give up something so your kid could have clean socks or your baby would have clean diapers?
     If any of you would like to know how to help, I can get more information for you.  I hope you'll all think of something you can do!