Thursday, June 2, 2011

It Is Only Logical.....

.....that I should have a Star Trek post, as I'm beginning my first "official" Star Trek marathon.  Though I've always enjoyed the series, I am only now pledging to actually watch every episode - a pledge that seems long-overdue.  Much to my chagrin, Netflix's refusal to fulfill their Beginning-of-June-Instant-Streaming promise means I can only get them in the mail via disk, which takes FOREVERRRR (alright, three-day turn-around. whatever.) and I can only get three discs at a time max. Which, of course, sounds sufficient to most, but is not so to me. However, I shall persevere despite the great persecution from the powers that be.
     Really? An entire post about your starting a Star Trek marathon. You're pathetic.
     Whatever. I was born this way. It's not my fault. It's in my blood.
     That's no excuse. You can change; you just have to want it bad enough.
     But I have no desire to affect such a change.  I am perfectly comfortable with nerdality.
     Then we shall depart, seeing as there is really no way to convert you. Fare thee well.
     Live long and prosper

     P.S.  Just so everyone knows, Spock is most definitely in the running for awesomest dude to ever grace the airwaves. Just sayin'.
The Ol Eyebrow Gif - The Ol EyebrowSpock'd Tap That