Tuesday, May 10, 2011

♪♫Red as the Bloodshed, Blue as the Wounded, White as the Crosses on Our Soldiers' Graves;

Through the rain, through the sun, these colors never run.♪♫
     Well, not much has really been happening with me over the last few days. The only thing note-worthy, really, is a project in which the high school's social studies department is participating, due to my teacher, who has a tendency to start things like this. It's called "Shoeboxes for Soldiers" and is actually a localized branch of the national organization of the same sort.  Shoe boxes or an equivalent are filled with supplies, food, puzzle books, etc. and sent to soldiers overseas. Each box is addressed to an individual soldier, not a company or other intermediary.  A local radio station in the area, KTTS, sponsors two drives every year - one at Christmastime and one around the Fourth of July, which is the one that is going on right now.  It costs about thirteen dollars in postage to send a box, and my teacher has agreed to pay for the boxes her classes fill.
     I've always wanted to get involved in this sort of thing, but never have. Now, I'm finally getting a chance to do so, and it's made me start thinking; our military fights every day for our rights and freedoms: shouldn't we be using them? If we don't that invalidates all that they do and thus makes their sacrifice futile. Because of the men and women fighting for our country, we have the freedom to think, feel, say, and be whoever we choose. Shouldn't we be doing more to honor that fight?
     I know I should. I need to take advantage of the fact that, because of these sacrifices of these soldiers, I have every right to live my faith and uphold my values. This is not the case in most countries, and I feel that, should we choose to "roll over and play dead" to every whim of society as a whole, we are nullifying the sacrifices of our military past, present, and future. So, I am going to start walking the walk. If God has blessed us with a nation in which we can be free to live and believe as we see fit, I think He means for us to use it to its full advantage.
     So, that's my brief thoughts on the subject. Also, I obviously think that we should be honoring those that serve our country and put their lives on the line for us every day. And this project is just a tiny way in which I can do just that.
     That's about it, so I'll talk to ya'll later! :)