Well, last night was fantastic. My Sunday school teacher, Miranda, had a game night at her house with our class. It was awesome. We had biscuits and chocolate gravy :P DON'T KNOCK IT TILL YOU TRY IT!!! it was actually really good! Then we played Catch-Phrase (I ROCK at that game, along with Miranda and Emily Gideon haha!) and we had some valuable conversations. It was nice, just hanging out with other teens and having good NORMAL fun.
That's something I just don't really know how to do. I never just have fun. It's hard, knowing what to do in a non-serious situation. In situations where most people are awkward and clueless, and totally at a loss, I'm completely at home, and instinctively know what to do. Like at funerals and stuff like that. I can comfort people in ways that others can't. I don't know how, but I just do. But in places where everyone is comfortable and is just having nice, meaningless fun, I'm totally lost. I hate that. But no one will try to show me how to just cut loose and let my hair down. That's something I really need. But maybe I just will never get it. I don't know.
But last night was nice. I lost myself for just a little while, while we were playing Catch-Phrase. It was weird, and yet, it felt soooo good. I just hope that I can find a place in my youth group. I hope I can make some friends and become a fun person to be around. I just need someone to teach me....
Anyway, last night was the best time I've had in a long time. I need more of that. Thanks Miranda!