Monday, April 25, 2011


   So, like I said, I'll occasionally post some stuff up here that I write in my spare time.  These are not a reflection of my best writing abilities.  It's just stuff that I scrawl in my spare time. Hope you like it, feel free to comment or criticize :)

    I believe in angels. In fact, I believe that I see them every day. I believe they speak to me and guide me through the most difficult times in my life. I believe God sends angels when I need them most, and that, without their help, I would not be here today.
    But these angels of which I speak are not winged entities that flit about this earth unseen. They appear in no bright-shining light. No voice from Heaven accompanies their arrival. In fact, most people will pass by them knowingly, and yet, without a second thought. Yet, a few of us will recognize them and, by this recognition, receive great blessing.
    But who are these angels, if not the ones that reside in heaven above? You might know a few without even realizing it. These angels are just like you and me: they work; they play; they eat; they sleep; the have families and careers and hopes and dreams, just like the rest of us. They're ordinary people that likely will never be seen as special or especially “worthy,” or great by any save a privileged few; nevertheless, they are angels, just the same.
    What makes these people worthy to be called angels? Angels are God's messengers. They bring His message to us here below. They comfort and console; the mentor and minister. That is what angels do. And that is what these people do.
    Now that you gave a better idea of the entities to which I am referring, are you thinking of some of your angels? I know I am. And the people that come to mind are not people who have done great and grand things for myself or others (although I do know a few of them); they are the people that accept me when no one else does. They're the ones that I know I can text in the middle of the night and get an answer. My angels are the ones who come up to me when I look down and give me a hug or a pat on the shoulder and a smile and tell me to “hang in there, OK?” My angels never walk by without making sure I'm smiling. They tell me when I'm wrong or causing myself trouble, but they make sure I know that they do it because they care, and that they'll never give up on me. Those people are my angels. They are not without fault; they make mistakes. They have problems of their own. They can't always be there, solve my all my problems, or give me all of the answers. But they try; they allow God's love and grace to show through them in a real way. And that's what makes them God's messengers.
    Angels come in all shapes sizes. They have problems and struggles just like the rest of us. They lose their tempers, struggle with body image, get stressed, and forget birthdays. They get tired and they need others' help. They are not flawless, but they are perfect because their hearts are pure and they truly strive to serve God and help others; they bring God's love to those around them.
    So who are your angels? They could be a curly-headed little girl whose bright smile just lights up your day; they could be a teacher or youth pastor who knows just when to ask if everything's alright and when to say nothing and simply pray; it could even be an elderly couple whose sage advice has steered you from pitfalls unseen to you but so plain to them. Whoever they me be, you know the people that you call your angels.
    As I've said, angels are just like us. The only difference is that they allow God's love to shine through in ways that the rest of us often do not. So I have two challenges for you, regardless of who you are and what your situation happens to be. Firstly, tell your “angels” just how much they mean to you. They're human beings, just like everyone else. They'd love to know that what they do makes a difference. Secondly, be someone else's angel. We all have the ability to change someone's life for the better in some capacity, whether large or small. It's a choice we can each make to be someone's angel.

Life resembles a novel more often than novels resemble life

   And don't I know it. 
   So, today: not quite my day.  I didn't sleep more than a couple intermittent hours, got up late, and was exhausted all day. Then there was traffic and the bus got us all home late, which sent me into a tizzy trying to get ready to turn right around and go to counseling with Robyn [my mother].  When we got there, I dropped my phone in a puddle of water as I was getting out of the car. After that, I had to spend two miserable hours puttering around Ozark in a musty, roasting-hot jeep with her. That. Sucked. Now I'm home, I have the beginnings of what promises to be a migraine, my phone is laying in pieces in what will likely be a vain attempt to salvage it, and I'm exhausted. Again.
   And this week, I have something planned every night, so people will be needing to contact me. And all my numbers are in my phone.
   This wasn't my day.
   However, I will survive. ♪♫Well, that's the way it is; ya' gotta roll with punches♪♫, right?
   At least I don't technically have homework that's due tomorrow.....technically.......
Vale Nunc!