Saturday, June 18, 2011


   *Emerges from the dark recesses of a remote cave near the top of Mt. Everest*
    I apologize for my prolonged absence. I have been extremely busy lately. Had VBS all week, now I'm doing the packing/shopping/planning for my missions trip to East - Yes, I said East - St. Louis. No, I'm not going to die. People have actually asked me such questions. Not Kidding. Oh Generation Y.....

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the mission trip.  Except for the no-internet-for-an-entire-freaking-week aspect of it. BUTTTT.....................

I don't really know how all of you feel about that prospect, but I. Am. Psyched. (no pun intended, of course.)

P.S. My Star Trek:TOS Marathon is still very much alive. In case you guys were wondering.

Friday, June 10, 2011

♪♫Big Girls Don't Cry♪♫

     Caution: Monstrously long post dead ahead. Turn back now.
     Last night I finally got the chance to watch this week's The Voice.  One of the the contestants, Lily Elise, sang Fergie's "Big Girls Don't Cry."  While never a big Fergie fan, I've always been a bit partial, probably because it's something of a mantra for me.  Then, after the performance, one of the judges complimented her performance, saying, "Sometimes vulnerability is the hardest thing to show;" that rang true for me.
     Over the past couple of days, I've really been confronted with the concept of vulnerability.  First, on Tuesday, I went to one of my friend's house.  Nina is a foreign exchange student from Liberia who returns home on Sunday.  While still somewhat guarded around her, I'd be lying if I didn't say that I was a bit freer with her by comparison and the subconsciously-acknowledged fact that she would soon be leaving seemed to somehow decrease the "risk" involved in being "real" with her. Then, that evening, I came home, boxed up all my "fun," and dealt with my real life.
     Wednesday, I spent most of the day with Jill, one of my youth leaders.  I pretty much just tagged along on a day in the life of  a stay-at-home mother of toddlers.  As much as I may hate to admit it, kids are great, especially when you need writing material or want to learn about life.  They're open and honest, and possess a unique, simplifying insight into some of life's most complex and important issues. "Out of the mouths of babes," eh?
     Well, that afternoon, Jill and I had a chat and much of it centered around vulnerability and my inability to truly be vulnerable.  The fact is I honestly don't know how to do that.  I wish I did, but I don't.  And I desperately wish someone would teach me.  But I know that it would likesly be nearly as difficult to te teach me as it would be for me to learn.
     On a marginally more positive note, Jill's a pretty cool gal.  She's certainly not an overly-emotional individual, but she cares, and care in a real and concrete way.  And she's pretty good in the Common-Sense-That-You-Really-Don't-Wat-to-Deal-With department.  She's really someone with whom I can be open and honest without having to worry about betrayal and hurt feelings, and that's pretty special.  I also know that even if she gives advice that I don't necessarily like, she's saying it because she's trying to help.  And yes, when I'm honest, she's usually right (Jill, if you're reading this, enjoy it, 'cause it's highly improbable that I'll ever say that to your face :P).
     That evening, I packed away all my feelings and thoughts and questions and headed off to church.  I sat down at a table to peer into the gym and imagine having the courage to make an attempt at socializing.  A little later, another older girl - a bit of a "misfit" herself - comae in and sat down at my table.  We talked a while, and eventually Nina and her friend - another foreign exchange student - arrived and joined us.  As we talked, I (as my nature dictates) began to think a bit philosophically about the situation; Nina and Pollynna - foreign exchange students, Ashley - an infrequent attendee who was socially awkward, Mariah - a junior high girl whose friends were out of town, and myself - an emotionally-damaged, socially-stunted hermit.  Why were we all sitting together? Why could I talk in this setting but no other? Here, it was "safer"to be "real."  Not really real; I don't have a clue as to how to do that.  But with these people, I cold at least speck about something other than a simple fact that might answer a direct question.  None of us were "in," so to speak, so there was less pressure to "measure up." I certainly wasn't "real," but I was definitely less reserved.
     When it was finally time to start the service, we all headed toward the fellowship hall to give Nina a proper send-of. Eventually, most of the people in the room were in tears or quite near it.  Of course, I wasn't one of them; I was dry-eyed and quietly jovial in my little "Island of Misfit Toys."  That doesn't mean I wasn't going to miss my best, if not only, real friend at church; oh no, I was quite upset at the prospect of losing her.  But there was no way I was going to let that show even if I were alone and knew that no one would ever know of such a tiny breach in my defenses. Big girls don't cry. So, I bid adieu to Nina Harris of Liberia and left for home.
     At home, that night, I indulged in a bit of a Star Trek marathon with my brother and father.  Afterward, with my over-compensation for an oncoming slump over the loss of a friend and a bit of lightheartedness due to my indulgence in an open conversation that afternoon, I succumbed to a fit of sheer idiocy with my brother as we mocked some of my sister's less-refined choices in music.  I wasn't "open" or "myself" or anything soppy of that sort, per se, but I was less restrained.
     Yesterday, I slept in and watched some TV with my siblings, but I never let my guard down.  I stayed in control and didn't allow the frivolity that would surely have ensued, had I not been there to prevent it.  Eventually, I grew weary of it all and retreated to my room, where I lost myself in a numbing string of movies and television shows for the balance of the day.  When my father came home, he immediately became enraged over the state of the main living quarters of the house and instantly cast all the blame upon me, as I was the oldest and obviously should be the parent. Rather than explain how I felt about the situation and thereby become vulnerable, I returned his hostile onslaught with a louder, harsher, and more eloquent rebuttal, silencing the opposition and removing myself from the situation.
     I spent the remainder of the night in the same fashion as the afternoon, drowning my feelings in the anesthetizing effect of a constant stream of media.  Even alone, I would never let my guard down; such a thing would be unthinkable and, at this juncture, truly impossible for me.
     Vulnerability.  What is it? How does one find it?  Would anyone respect and protect it, were I to give it them?  I don't know the answers to any of these questions; all I know is that I'm a big girl.  As much as I wish I could be a little girl and just have someone scoop me up in a big, safe hug and let me know that I cold let go, that I could jump and they would catch me, that's not what's real; I never learned to be a little girl.  I'm a big girl - always have been, probably always will be.
     And Big Girls Don't Cry.

1000 HITS!!

I've finally reached 1000 views! Yay!

K, I'm done.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Isn't Summer Supposed to be Relaxing?

     'Cause I haven't stopped for a second!
     Okay, so it has been relaxing.  But I've been freaky busy the last couple of days, so I haven't had much time to post. :P
     And I've had Writer's Block. Badly.

Can you die from Writer's Block?  Like, if it's severe enough?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Imagine Having Your Dad Do This....

     So, I was looking at Yahoo News today and I found the story of a Utah dad who thought it would be cool to wave at this son (a sophomore in high school) every morning when he boarded the bus.  As if this wasn't bad enough, he opted to dress up as different character every single morning. Now, think about this for a second; every morning you have to worry about getting up, getting ready, getting on the bus, hoping all your homework is done (because really, how many of us actually remember or have time to check in the morning?), and THEN you have to be concerned about whether your dad will be standing outside your house waving at your friends, dressed as bride or mermaid.
     When first reading this, I thought, "Wow.  Now THAT'S some revenge for all those nights he stayed up with you crying through the night....'' And I still see it this way. But then I thought, "Dude, that would be frikkin' awesome!"  Yeah, it would be weird at first, but come on! Once everyone caught on, you and your friends would start seriously looking forward to what he'd do every morning.  I could have an entire blog about it. And it would probably be way more popular than this one......hmmmm.......
     Actually, that's exactly what they did!  This guy's wife took a picture every day and posted it on their blog Wave At The Bus.  All the pictures are up there; check it out! The coolest thing is that they only spent $50 on their endeavor over the entire year! They begged, borrowed, and stole improvised more than 180 costumes for the same amount of money that I spent on a single costume for a birthday party. (Ok, it happened once, I'd probably never do it again. But she was my best friend and it was her Sweet Sixteen....It had to be perfect....) Anywho, I think it's awesome. So, check out the pictures, have a laugh, and let them know how hilariously awesome this is!
     P.S. I've already been thinking about having some sort of daily thing to post, and this is just giving me good evidence that people enjoy such things.....hmmm......

Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Mind is as Empty as Joe Biden's.....

     I have absolutely nothing witty, clever, insightful, shocking, or even intelligent to say. Nothing. Zip. Notta. Zilch. Zero.


    I started thinking of everyone who has been waiting so long for an interesting post to finally appear again.

Then I started to realize they would all be disappointed.

Then I started to get scared

I started to wonder if they would all hate me forever....

First I felt like doing this


Then I felt like this

Then I just did this

[Ok, I regret the last one. That one's just TOO sad..]

Anyhow, That's pretty much me right now.

I have no inspiration.  My mind is blank. Creativity has forsaken me. I've spent an entire post finding random gifs. I'm pathetic.

This is what I need (at least verbally via a jumpstart for my brain)

Then I shall be thus

So Make me thus. ^_^

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Will I Ever Get There?

     So, I was looking back at some past posts and I noticed that one of my most "popular" (i.e. most views) posts was a post entitled A Place to Call Home (<<<If ya' don't know what I'm talking about, check it).  I thought I'd do a follow-up of sorts, as I'm still dealing with some of the same issues and everything's kind of coming to a head, so to speak.
     Basically, not much has changed. That's pretty depressing to admit, but it's the truth.  Everything that I said about what I wanted is still true, and I'm really not any closer to "getting there" than I was when I posted that. I still wish I had all those things; I still wish I belonged somewhere; I still wish I had a place to call "home." 
     The difference is, however, that I now am beginning to understand that I have to find that home; I have to make it for myself.  I can't sit around and wait for some miracle to rescue me or some especially benevolent person to reach out save me. Oh no, I have to actually change.
     But that's tough. For me, one of my biggest issues is my inability to lose control, to "cut loose," "let me hair down," or just have fun. It's something that I not only never learned to do, but was actually raised in an environment where doing so would have quite literally endangered my life and the lives of my siblings. If I was not completely aware and alert and in control, things could go dreadfully and drastically wrong in the blink of an eye. 
     But I'm not in that situation anymore; at least, not to that extent at all.  Now I have to learn how to not be so aware, so alert.  I have to learn to miss things. I have to learn not care about how I look or how ridiculous I act.  This sounds a bit risky, I know. But the reality is that what is in all probability completely normal and acceptable gaiety for most people is actually complete and reckless abandon for me - something or which I am incapable at this juncture.  So I have to begin forcing myself to do things that I would consider "immature," "reckless," "stupid," and "pointless."  I have to become "less" than I feel proper in order to become more.  It's a conundrum, and I have a lot of problems with it. But that's the reality of it.
     So that's the place at which I find myself. It's not going to be easy; I know this.  But I'll do it. I would like to ask, however, that you all try to understand my awkward behavior and confusion; I'm trying, I just don't know what to do.  Also, I'd like to honestly and genuinely ask you all to call me out when I do things that "don't work."  I know that's uncomfortable, but, believe me, it's extremely difficult to offend me and I truly do want the input. 
     That's all I've got to say about that.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Another Pointless Post That Will Receive No Feedback.....

     So, this, will likely be the last post of this sort, seeing as NO ONE responds to my impassioned pleas for assistance.  *dejected sigh*
     I want to know what ya'll wanna see up in here! So, if ya wanna see a particular feature, style of post, or just have some ideas on some cool stuff, Tell me! I'm interested in what will make you guys happy! haha, so just gimme some feedback, yo!
    Or not. I could just remain lonely and dejected......XP

Post Title Challenge: The Sequel

      While I pledge, in these challenges, to use a title submitted by a reader/heckler, I shall admit that I simply felt as though this title should be modified.  Therefore, instead of the title "The Uniqueness of Laughs" that was suggested, I have modified it to the title actually displayed.  Nevertheless, this post would never have occurred had it not been for the imaginative talents of one Megan "Yo" Trantham. So, without further ado, it is my great pleasure to present to you, my readers,

   The Necessity Of Laughs
     A snort, a chortle, a chuckle, a crow.  Can anyone truly describe the divine beauty of a laugh?  Is there a more beautiful sound than a free, uninhibited cachinnation?  I dare say not. A laugh is an honest expression of mirth, joy, peace, beatitude, and felicity.  No matter the nature of a laugh, it sends both the producer and the hearer of the harmony into celestial rapture.
     All these are undeniable facts. I however, would like to posit the concept that such an intonation is absolutely essential to life itself.  Studies conducted by the B.R.A.I.N.* demonstrate that frequent verbal show of merriment has the ability to lengthen your life by as much as 20.57389 years (180217.5164 hours).  Also, in a study conducted by the combined efforts of B.R.A.I.N. and G.E.N.I.U.S. Society,** subjects between the ages of 17 and 49 who experienced intense laughter at least twice a week were shown to have increased IQ scores of up to 23 points when compared to their less-mirthful peers.  There were also shown to have increased happiness, satisfaction in life, financial stability, SLQ (Sustainable Living Quotient), and weight loss (up to 94 pounds in some subjects).
     How can you see these results? Well, it's not by sitting on your couch with a Monster and a bag Doritos watching reruns of Whose Line Is It Anyway, I can tell you that!  No siree!  For this kind of success, you need AeroLaf - the all new, FDA approved form of Dinitrogen Oxide. AeroLaf is guaranteed to give you fast, satisfying results in only 17 treatments!† With AeroLaf, you'll be laughing your way beauty, fame, and fortune in no time flat!  But hurry; if you call now and order a 59 oz. aerosol can of AeroLaf, we'll throw in our collector addition travel size can ABSOLUTELY FREE!  Don't wait; Call now at 1-800-AEROLAF! That's 1-800-237-6523.  Call now!

*Bureaucracy of Radically Astute Individualistic Nitwits
**General Enfranchisement of Nerds In the United States Society
†Do not take AeroLaf if you are nursing, pregnant, may become pregnant, are under seventeen, are over forty-nine, are under five feet tall, are over seven feet tall, have ever been to Ireland, may ever go to Ireland, or have a heart condition. Side effects may include nausea, headaches, excessive sweating, excessive salivating, sudden urges to travel to foreign countries, sudden revulsion for victims of depression and natural disasters, expulsion from funerals, and even death in rare cases. Do not continue to take AeroLaf if lack of amusement increases.  Contact a medical professional if you notice changed behavior or experience these or any other side effects. Ask your doctor if AeroLaf is right for you.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

It Is Only Logical.....

.....that I should have a Star Trek post, as I'm beginning my first "official" Star Trek marathon.  Though I've always enjoyed the series, I am only now pledging to actually watch every episode - a pledge that seems long-overdue.  Much to my chagrin, Netflix's refusal to fulfill their Beginning-of-June-Instant-Streaming promise means I can only get them in the mail via disk, which takes FOREVERRRR (alright, three-day turn-around. whatever.) and I can only get three discs at a time max. Which, of course, sounds sufficient to most, but is not so to me. However, I shall persevere despite the great persecution from the powers that be.
     Really? An entire post about your starting a Star Trek marathon. You're pathetic.
     Whatever. I was born this way. It's not my fault. It's in my blood.
     That's no excuse. You can change; you just have to want it bad enough.
     But I have no desire to affect such a change.  I am perfectly comfortable with nerdality.
     Then we shall depart, seeing as there is really no way to convert you. Fare thee well.
     Live long and prosper

     P.S.  Just so everyone knows, Spock is most definitely in the running for awesomest dude to ever grace the airwaves. Just sayin'.
The Ol Eyebrow Gif - The Ol EyebrowSpock'd Tap That